{Earning Online} Earning Off the Internet

Last Updated on August 20, 2020 by Paula

Earning Online

The internet has truly changed the way people make a living.

I am so dying to get my own online job as well!

With so many available online jobs,  I am totally envious of moms not leaving the comfort of their own homes but having the capability to earn!   Plus, they get to use their natural talents and skills as well.

Online jobs can serve as additional income source, or even a full-time job, well-paying career.  Whether it is a full-time job or just freelance work for extra cash, these will, at the very least, be a source of fulfillment.

Online freelancing

In certain websites, freelancers can select from a pool of projects and assignments compiled from the clients, and are then paid for completing the project of their choice.  Types of projects vary from web copy writing and research writing, graphic designing, encoding, software programming, search engine optimization (SEO), and internet marketing, among others.Aside from being a source of additional income, this can also be an opportunity to put to use creative and technical skills.

How to apply?

Simply fill out a registration form at their website, and then complete a personal profile like those in social networking sites.  Others, however, may require a resume and portfolio first before they allow registration.

Salary range and payment scheme

The salary range differs with every assignment based on its difficulty and quantity.  It is a matter of getting first dibs on the easy high paying projects.  Good feedback from the clients who usually warrants bonuses, while negative feedback lead to deductions.  Basically, the more projects you finish, the more you will earn.

Work hours

The freelancer is in complete control of his work hours for as long as he meets the deadlines.

Websites to check out:


Online English tutoring

Countries such as Japan and Korea acknowledge the English proficiency of Filipinos.  Many of their citizen come to the Philippines to get schooled in English while others opt to learn through online communication softwares such as Skype and Yahoo Messengers.  The students are usually high school or college students seeking to improve their English grades, adult employees trying to improve their professional value, and retirees who simply want to have a conversation so they will not get rusty with their English.

How to apply?

Some are more lenient in a way that all they require to register on their website is to create a teacher profile, after which the applying tutor or teacher waits for his assigned student.  Others however have a tighter screening process in which applicants will have to pass an interview and a training session first in order to get in. They may also require scanned copies of school documents.

Salary range and payment scheme

Others offer an hourly rate; others allow the tutors themselves to set their own negotiable rates.  Note however that it is the students who are granted the liberty of choosing their tutor.  Students can choose from available slots in a tutor’s schedule table.  If no one sets an appointment with the tutor, then the tutor will not get any work credit.  Tutors need to be careful about how they present themselves in their user profiles and with how they perform in the actual teaching sessions so as to attract more students.

Work hours

The tutors are allowed to set their schedule table based on their availability.  But it is the students who choose their tutor based on their schedules.  However, if no one picks a tutor applicant, the latter will still need to stay online for the duration of that schedule in case he will be needed for emergency reassignments.

Websites to check out

www.rarejob.com/professional (Japanese students)
www.ontue.com    (Korean students)

Remote staffing

This is similar to any other regular office job.  The remote staff works eight hours a day, five days a week.  The only difference is that the staff does not need to go to an office as they work from home.

In this kind of online job, a client can employ one individual or assemble a team which he selects from the remote staffing website’s talent pool to work with him on a certain project for a certain period of time.  They usually employ writers, virtual assistants, link builders, programmers, graphic designers, and website or web profile administrators, among others.  The interaction among the client and their staff all happens through the internet.

How to register?

For some, it is as simple as registering and setting up an account on their website, while others have a screening process that may involve online or phone interviews and examinations.

Salary range and payment scheme

Pay rates may vary depending on the type of work, skill level, work history and reputation.  The overall computation is based on the amount of time worked.  But just because the boss could be a thousand miles away in another continent does not mean that the individual or the team can slack off on their work.  They are provided with tools to monitor the remote staff and staff members will be required to submit a daily report.  In some instances, there are websites that have managers who regularly check on the workers.  The client pays the website; the website pays the contractor, while keeping a small percentage for itself.

Work hours

Work hours vary as members of the team may be coming from different time zones.  It will be up to the client whether he adjusts to the worker’s daytime hours, or whether the worker adjusts to theirs.  In instances however when the worker is required during the night time hours in the Philippines, he will be provided with additional compensation as required by the Philippine labor law.

Websites to  check out


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