Twelve Cutest Lay-Outs For Your Blogger Blog

Last Updated on August 28, 2020 by Paula

Although I paid for that lay-out which makes me hesitant about changing it.

But you know, you don’t need to spend for a new lay-out.

Check out these Blogger Lay-outs… (and they are absolutely free, too!)

And although I still love my blogs’ lay-outs, I am sooo tempted to create new blogs just because these lay-outs are soo cute!


Here’s One if You are Blogging Beauty and Style With Friends:

Another “Kikay” Template

For You Twihards
(If they have a Hunger Games theme, I am gonna get one!Team Gale or Team Peeta)

Dreamy Teen Blog Template…

My Memories Template

This would look lovely for a mommy blog…

Teen Dream

Anything Paris…

And here is my personal blog’s template…

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  1. haha Aileen, I wish! But my daily life is such a bore. Like I told you before, if my life is turned into a reality show, it will be cancelled on the first day hehe.

  2. REally cute headers and templates. I'm on wordpress and there are many cute ones there too..just have to search around and you can find something that you like :)

  3. I like the fru fru template. I would love to pay to change my layout but since I'm gonna shell out money, i has to be a design that I really, really, really love. So, now, I haven't decided yet. I also want a nice logo. :-D

  4. Really you paid for the header of your other blog? Expensive ba? I'd like mine done too but with those freebies available, medyo limited din ang choices.

  5. @Farida, I got the cheapest lang sis, around ten dollars.My kids were laughing at me. My 14-year old knows web design and stuff like gifs and how to make them and she was laughing at me when she found out i bought my layout!

  6. Thanks for sharing this one sis. I hope they have WordPress templates. My fashion blog needs to dress up again (di nagtatagal ang theme sa akin, palit palit lagi LOL!)

  7. Thanks for sharing this Sis. I'm thinking of changing the template of my travel blog. Hope I van find one that suits my theme. :)

  8. Ang gaganda naman. But I don't know why I can't seem to find a perfect ready made template for me. Kaya eto nagttyaga ako na i-design ang blog ko.

    Mommy Maye2

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