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  1. i always wonder when men distance themselves from household chores..I dont believe that it will make them less of a man,.,,

  2. My husband never minds to the chores for me. He can cook, clean the house and wash our clothes. I remember when I was pregnant and we have no househelp yet. He was the one who would do the laundry every other day and he would do it after our work. Now he is always in charge of cooking :)

  3. Love the picture. As a man my castle is my home that's correct but I do a lot of the housework.
    Washing, cleaning, cooking and the likes I don't mind doing it but after a 12 hour day it does get annoying to go home and clean or cook again…

  4. For me, cleaning the house does not make my ego less. In fact, many will be surprised hearing that husbands helps in cleaning the house. Though I admit that men does not clean like women. hehehe

  5. You're right there Allan! I admire men who take part in maintaining the house. if a man loves his family, he would take care of he place where his family stays.

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