Be Fearless: Make A Splash

Last Updated on September 1, 2020 by Paula

“If you make only one resolution this year, let it be to live boldly.  You control this moment.  Rather than cautiously test the water, drive straight into life with freeing abandon. Imagine the person you want to be and the life you want to live, then simply commit to them.  Believe in yourself.  Embrace your beauty.  Discover a new passion.  And whatever you do, wherever you go, don’t be afraid to make a splash.”

(From Self Magazine 1/11)

Three children diving into outdoor pool / Trois enfants plongeant dans une piscine extérieureSource

Blessed Sunday, everyone!

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  1. so agree with your post. just did some thing that i always like to do. to become a seller in a flea market. i always believed that we should not have any regrets in life. :-) Happy new year.

  2. Oooh…I've not even thought of any resolutions for this year. When I'm not taking care of the kids, I'm swamped with work and chores that I've not even found time to make a list. Would love to make one that creates a splash though. Hmmm….

  3. Wow. Live boldly. I am the relaxed type and take things as they come. Living boldly is like asserting yourself and getting yourself out there.It is a nice attitude to consider, too.

  4. Another inspiring words Mommy. I want to make splash too, but I wont dive like that in the picture. Hindi ako marunong lumangoy hehehe..

    I'm following you na din. Thanks for following my personal blog hope you'll follow the rest hehehe.. :)

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