Are You Always Tired?

Last Updated on August 9, 2020 by Paula

Are you always tired?

Are You Always Tired?

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Are you always tired?

You are not alone.

Probably one third of the world population end up dragging themselves to work every single day and wishing the day is over.

What sneaky energy-zapper did this?

Surprisingly, it must be your posture.  Your poor posture.

Slumping and ignoring the soft pile of sofa cushions on your feet make your body literally tired that staying upright would take a lot of effort on your part, leaving you with less energy .

Cabin Fever

Staying indoors, especially when it is cold and cloudy outside literally drains your energy. Spending a quick walk around the block or just spending twenty minutes outside will make you feel more energetic.

Energy drinks

Energy drinks give you energy, until you feel the slump afterward.  Energy drinks are often high in caffeine, which gives you a high, until you literally slump and get really tired after the “I-can-do-anything” feeling.

For lasting energy, opt for a snack of whole wheat pita bread with chicken breast and cucumbers instead, which gives you a dose of complex carbs, protein and fiber.

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