You-Version 2.0 : Let Your Dreams Fly

Last Updated on August 28, 2020 by Paula

Everyone dreams big.  Who doesn’t?  But to turn those big dreams into reality, you need to learn how to map your goals. Learning how to set your goals will help you to push and be focused enough to let your dreams fly!

  • Make an inspiration board. Your inspiration board will serve as a visual reminder and an inspiration.  Fill it with articles, inspirational  cutout words or quotes, places you want to go, photos of that luxury apt now.  Place it in a prominent spot in your room, where you’ll always see it.
  • Break down your big dreams into smaller, step-by-step goals.  This will make it easier to track your progress and know what you need to do next.  Create a rough time frame for your goals and do your best to stick to it.
  • Believe in yourself! Develop a positive, go-getter’s attitude.  Expect to make mistakes, but challenge yourself to persevere and see your dreams through.

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One Comment

  1. I agree.. I should do it sometime, minsan kasi its better to give or plan something else nalang.. maganda talaga yung you set goals pra ganahan talagang ma reach:) Thanks for sharing!

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