Last Updated on July 7, 2017 by Venessa

  9waystohappy As we grow up, we learn that the world is not a perfect place.  We find that things don’t always go our way.  That sometimes, we get hurt, and that we do fail.  But just because life has its disappointments does not mean we should give up on being happy. One great man named Abraham Lincoln once said this and I soooo agree! Quotation-Abraham-Lincoln-Most-folks-are-as-happy-as-they-make-up-their-17-60-78_opt   Are you ready to bring joy into your life?  If you are, then here are nine ways to help you be as happy as can be!


ForgetThePast It’s hard to be content when there is a big weight on your back, and the past is one of the heaviest burdens a person can bear.  So let it go! Leave behind those old mistakes, regrets and frustrations – there’s nothing you can do about them anyway.  Once you clear out the closet of your past, you’ll find you have more space (not to mention more time and energy) to enjoy what you have in the present.

Rolling on the floor laughing HAVE GREAT FRIENdS.

  Have Great Friends The happiest people are those who find pleasure in the company they keep.  If you find that you’re hanging out with people who don’t support you or who make you feel bad about yourself, then maybe it’s time you looked for friends elsewhere.  Surround yourself with people who are positive and honest, and who make you laugh and feel good about who you are.

Winking smile TAKE GOOD Care OF YOUR  BODY.

Dance when you feel sad While it is okay to indulge yourself once in a while  (a little chocolate can do wonders in the happiness department), too much of anything never ends well.  Balance is key here!  Eat well and engage in physical activities you enjoy, whether it is swimming, running, volleyball, or boxing.  Don’t be afraid to try a new sport, either.  Remember, a healthy body is a happy one. Smile SET GOALS FOR YOURSELF AND MAKE THEM HAPPEN. i-may-not-be-there-yet-but-im-closer-than-i-was-yesterday It’s easier to get out of bed in the morning when you have got goals to achieve because you’ll have a sense of purpose and direction.  If it helps, write them down.  (look for a photo of goals) If you’re busy challenging yourself and doing everything it takes to make it all happen, there won’t be any time to be miserable!  Besides, there’s nothing quite as fulfilling as making your own dreams come true.

Open-mouthed smile BE SPONTANEOUS.

Be Spontaneous   This is to make sure you don’t get too caught up on the setting goals for yourself thingie above.  Sure, planning out your life and knowing what you want will help you be happier with yourself.  But it’s also important to take time off to do things that aren’t part of the Big Plan.  Loosen up!  Take a sudden trip out of town with your friends, for instance, or bring flowers to your grandparents, just because.  It’s life’s little surprises that give it meaning.

Secret telling smile SPREAD THE LOVE.

Spread The Love Mother Teresa That old warm, fuzzy feeling is far too underrated these days.  One of the best ways to make yourself happy is by doing nice things for others.  It could be as little as holding the door open for someone else or as big as spending a whole day at a children’s home.  Your problems become smaller and easier to handle when you’re thinking about other people.


learn-something-new To be happy is to grow and experience new things.  Lucky for you, the world is full of things to see, feel and know.  Open your mind to them!  Don’t limit yourself by thinking you can’t.  Dare yourself to do things you’ve never done before:  read the newspaper, make breakfast for the fam, or sign up for those singing lessons.  You never know what you might discover about the world and about yourself.

Laughing out loud ASK FOR HELP.

bestfriend_opt Remember what we said about carrying burdens in WAY 1?  Well, let me remind you again:  being happy means not keeping your problems bottled up inside.  Be brave enough to share your troubles with those close to you, and be humble enough to ask for their help when you need it.  Most importantly, trust about their feelings, and know that they are worthy of happiness. FINALLY…


  I Deserve to be Happy! A lot of people are depressed because they don’t think they ought to be happy.  They count their sins instead of their blessings, and punish themselves because others are suffering and they are not. Don’t be one of those people.  Every one of use deserves happiness, whether we are rich or poor, old or young, and no matter what mistakes we’ve made.  Instead of brooding over our failings, we should learn to take happiness when and where we find it.cpae-ef-heart-pinks

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One Comment

  1. Great post! I especially agree with the part about having good friends… You can get through almost anything as long as you have someone to lean on 🙂

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