How To Remove Dandruff Fast Naturally

Last Updated on August 3, 2020 by Paula

Do you want to remove dandruff fast and naturally? Here are proven ways that worked for me!

Do you have dandruff?

When the weather gets really really cold, my skin cracks.

And my hair gets those white flakes.

And they are not snowflakes, too…

Do you get dandruff, too?

And do you want to remove your dandruff fast and naturally?

Hair experts say dandruff is caused by dehydrated sebaceous glands (these glands – which I am sooo glad I don’t need to say out loud) – are the prime producers of your scalp’s natural oil).  Your glands get dehydrated because of the following:

  • climate or weather change – like, it could be really cold then really really warm or just coooold like the weather we are having now, or
  • psoriasis or eczema.

So, do I have dandruff or my scalp is just dry?

Dry scalp is different from dandruff in a way that dry scalp is a by-product of a yeast-like fungus called Malassezia.

Malassezia, which sound monstrous, by the way, is normally found on the surface of the skin, including the scalp.  Sometimes, they are just there without causing any hair-raising problems.


Stress, not washing your hair regularly, hormone imbalance, illness or increased activity of the sebaceous gland (which leads to more oil) can inflame your scalp and produce dead skin cells.  These dead skin cells on your scalp get mixed with oil and will produce white, or sometimes yellowish flakes.  Eww.

Do you want to make your hair look fuller?  Read:  Tips to Make Your Hair Look Fuller by Madison Reed

Having dandruff and/or dry scalp can really be stressful (and you know what they say about dandruff and dry scalp being caused by stress!), but I do have a few simple natural treatment tricks to help you deal with your dandruff/dry scalp/ and those icky flakes!

remove dandruff fast naturally

Treat Your Hair Before Shampooing

Treat your hair before you shampoo by massaging your favorite mask or essential oil or herbal treatment and leaving it on for about 20-30 minutes to make the nourishing ingredients of the mask/oil/treatment to full saturate your dry scalp. This will help your become softer, manageable, and shiny.

I personally use all-natural virgin coconut oil like Nature’s Way Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil which I get from Amazon.

Home Remedies Remove Dandruff

Fighting dry scalp with OIL makes sense, but you cannot just use any oil.  Baby oils made of mineral oil, for one, can be harmful to your dry scalp.  What you should use are Natural Oils like extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) and coconut oil (VCO).

These natural oils have been documented to have anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties and since they are natural, they can easily be absorbed by the scalp.

I love taking some vitamins for the hair, too, by the way.  Read my review on Sugar Bear Hair Vitamins here.


Here’s another one I love (except for the smell Smile with tongue out):

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar, and it has to be from Bragg, by the way, is also becoming one of the most popular natural treatment for dandruff.

Here is your perfect natural dandruff treatment:

  1. Mix 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar with 3 cups water.
  2. Put your solution into a spray bottle.
  3. Spray scalp with the solution.
  4. Let the solution stay for 30 minutes.

The benefits of using this ACV mixture are the following:

  1. Relieves embarrassing skin and scalp conditions like psoriasis, dermatitis, and dandruff.
  2. Removes product build-up, resulting to a
  3. Clean, shiny, pH-balanced hair.

ACV has been known to combat the yeast that causes dry scalp.

Have you used over-the-counter dandruff shampoos and felt some minty feeling on your skin and scalp.  This could probable be because of peppermint oil.

Best Peppermint Essential Oil By Sky Organics-100% Organic, Pure Therapeutic Grade Peppermint Oil-For Diffusers, Aromatherapy, Massage, Allergies, Headaches -Aroma Scented Oil For Candles & Bath 1ozBest Peppermint Essential Oil By Sky Organics-100% Organic, Pure Therapeutic Grade Peppermint Oil-For Diffusers, Aromatherapy, Massage, Allergies, Headaches -Aroma Scented Oil For Candles & Bath 1oz

The PH levels found in peppermint oil work together in controlling dryness while preventing excessive oil production which gives super-quick relief for your itchy scalp.

One of my “rave products”, by the way, when it comes to essential oil is Radha Beauty Tea Tree Essential Oil.   I had a particularly bad case of dry scalp a few years ago, plus a weird habit of picking on my hair.  Out of desperation, I tried Tea Tree Oil.  My flakes disappeared like magic because of the oil’s anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. It is good for acne, too!

Gugo Shampoo

Here in the Philippines, way before we had shampoos, our Lolas / abuelas (grandmothers) have been using coconut oil and gugo shampoo for their silk smooth dark hair.

Gugo (scientific name Entada Phaseolides) is a very large tree found in the Philippines. (I have not personally seen one because I live in a cooler part of the Philippines where trees I know are pine trees).  The Gugo bark is soaked in water, then our grandmas pound the bark to produce lather.

When I was a little girl and on vacation in warm Ilocos Sur, my grandma used this shampoo on me and my hair was unbelievably soft and smooth.  I tried to track down local sellers who bottle this mixture and I have found Gugo Forest Magic Herbal Hair Conditioner over at Lazada (They ship internationally, by the way). The Gugo Forest Magical Herb Conditioner along with the Gugo Forest Magic Herbal Hair Tonic rejuvenates hair roots, stimulate hair growth and heals dry, flaky scalp.



Bentonite Clay

Indian Healing Clay

Bentonite clay draws dirt and impurities from the hair and scalp, with the special effect of hydrating the hair.

If inflammation Bentonite clay is known to draw dirt and impurities from the hair and scalp, without drying the hair of its natural oils. It can the perfect solution to hydrate the sebaceous glands that are core due build up.

What to Do If Your Dandruff / Dry Scalp Persist

I always get dandruff flares and it always bother me.  If it is really bad, like what I detailed on this post where the dermatologist diagnosed my flakes as seborrheic dermatitis, you should really go visit your dermatologist so he can prescribe medicines appropriate for your condition.

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