Should couples separate during sleep?

Last Updated on November 22, 2018 by Paula


Sleep is important for peak health and performance. An emotional connection is one of the key reasons as to why couples would want to share a bed. They know this better and wouldn’t want to disrupt their partner’s sleep with out of the book sleeping habits.Touching between couples is known to create an upsurge of oxytocin that creates deep feelings of attachment between one another. What better way to bond and sustain an emotional connection?  Unfortunately, this is not always true for all couples. Some interfere with the quality of sleep of their partners because of poor sleeping behaviors.The debate on whether couples should sleep separately is not one to be determined conclusively. Reason and decision of such magnitude lie between the two spouses sharing a bed.

Again, not all couples have a good testimony of their partner’s sleep patterns. Dr Neil Stanley, a sleep expert encourages couples to sleep separately if they feel their spouse’s sleep habit is wanting.

Is sleeping on separate beds a solution to couples lacking sleep?

Married couples can fail to be compatible with their sleep characteristics. For instance, a night owl marrying an early riser could brew trouble in the bedroom if these two do not know how to accommodate their differences.  A night owl will find it comfortable spending time into wee hours of the night watching television, reading or writing. The early riser will be on the bed at this point time. For the night owl who goes to bed late, his or her sleep could be disrupted by the early riser.

Research has also shown that about 13 million Britons experience regular wakefulness at night. Muscle cramps make them restless. With these symptoms comes groaning, and rubbing offended muscles to relieve themselves of itches. In mature couples, age-related physiological changes tend to make the sleep experience more difficult. Older women experiencing menopause have more of night sweats. In older men, complications with the prostate could give them more urge to pee. Some health conditions such as high blood pressure and retention of fluid could occur in both couples. This causes frequent bathroom visits denying them the comfort of uninterrupted sleep.

Sleep benefits bed-separate couples could be missing on

Sleep is important for peak health and performance. An emotional connection is one of the key reasons as to why couples would want to share a bed. They know this better and wouldn’t want to disrupt their partner’s sleep with out of the book sleeping habits.Touching between couples is known to create an upsurge of oxytocin that creates deep feelings of attachment between one another. What better way to bond and sustain an emotional connection?  Unfortunately, this is not always true for all couples. Some interfere with the quality of sleep of their partners because of poor sleeping behaviors.The debate on whether couples should sleep separately is not one to be determined conclusively. Reason and decision of such magnitude lie between the two spouses sharing a bed.

Again, not all couples have a good testimony of their partner’s sleep patterns. Dr Neil Stanley, a sleep expert encourages couples to sleep separately if they feel their spouse’s sleep habit is wanting.

Is sleeping on separate beds a solution to couples lacking sleep?

Married couples can fail to be compatible with their sleep characteristics. For instance, a night owl marrying an early riser could brew trouble in the bedroom if these two do not know how to accommodate their differences.  A night owl will find it comfortable spending time into wee hours of the night watching television, reading or writing. The early riser will be on the bed at this point time. For the night owl who goes to bed late, his or her sleep could be disrupted by the early riser.

Research has also shown that about 13 million Britons experience regular wakefulness at night. Muscle cramps make them restless. With these symptoms comes groaning, and rubbing offended muscles to relieve themselves of itches. In mature couples, age-related physiological changes tend to make the sleep experience more difficult. Older women experiencing menopause have more of night sweats. In older men, complications with the prostate could give them more urge to pee. Some health conditions such as high blood pressure and retention of fluid could occur in both couples. This causes frequent bathroom visits denying them the comfort of uninterrupted sleep.

Sleep benefits bed-separate couples could be missing on

sleep benefits

Many reasons dictate a couple’s decision not to share a bed. Differences in sleep routines and habits are the biggest causal factors. A light sleeper will find it hard bearing a snorer. Duvet stealers care more about their warmth than that of their partners. Work shifts and different work schedules also compromise couples sleeping together.

While you may want to think marital problems are the biggest causal factors to couples not sleeping together, convenience could be the biggest.  Co-sleeping tends to decrease in mature couples as compared to younger couples. This is so because of the physiological changes they experience from time to time. For instance, a couple with a young one may choose to sleep on separate beds because of the changes that come with nursing a baby.

Couples who sleep together benefit greatly from intimacy. Studies have revealed that couples influence their partners sleep behaviors. Sleep patterns of couples who go to bed together tend to be affected by the physical presence of their partners in bed. Couples with tight work schedules might find it fit to use their bed-time to recoup the day’s events and simply check on each other.

This has the benefit of according couples the feelings of a deep connection, support, care and love. Unlike couples who sleep separately, couples sharing a bed enjoy a sense of unity and general well-being. The oxytocin hormone helps to bond couples together. This hormone is released when couples touch and cuddle more. With the release of oxytocin, couples get the need to affirm their love and express positive feelings to their partners.

Consequently, positive words of affirmation build trust and closeness among couples. Partners feel secure and supported which reduces emotional stress and baggage in other areas of their lives.

The logic behind separate beds

A research published by David Randall, author of the book “Dreamland: Adventures in the Strange Science of Sleep” argues that partners sleeping together was considered unsafe and unhygienic in the Victorian era. At the time, many thought that sharing a bed with someone meant sapping the life out of them.

More studies into this subject reveal that separate beds or rooms lead to fewer awakenings at night and a deeper sleep. A couple with different sleep tests and preferences would prefer sleeping in separate rooms. A researcher could litter his/her bedroom with all kinds of stuff related to their research. This could not be the case with their partners. This gives them a reason to sleep separately.

Parenting issues also contribute to couples not sharing a bed. A couple nursing a young baby may choose to separate to give more space to the baby and her mother. Today, technology is also a factor in a couple’s sleep habits. A partner who likes surfing the internet, tweeting or watching TV late into the night could interfere with their partner’s sleep.

With the raging debate on whether couples should sleep together or not, you also want to consider the use of double beds. They are spacious and could accommodate the sleeping needs of couples. Also to consider is the use of a comfortable and durable mattress that can take care of your sleep needs. The Casper mattress reviews offer you handy information for investing in a mattress that will guarantee quality sleep for you and your partner.

Final thoughts

Co-sleeping in couples is important in bonding and promoting intimacy. However, there is a new twist of events as far as sleep matters are concerned. The list of couples wanting to sleep in separate beds or bedrooms is growing by the day. These does not in any way indicate an outburst of couples’ disengagement and marital problems. Sleep needs, health status, busy work lifestyle and parental needs are some factors that could lead to couples choosing to use separate beds. Though appearing to be selfish, a number of couples have given positive reviews of sleeping separately from their partners. Know what works for you.

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